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Colloquium of Multilingual Education and Intercultural Communication

To advance the theoretical and practical research in international multilingual education and intercultural communication, support the development of the International Chinese Education discipline and talent cultivation, and foster exchange and cooperation among teachers, scholars, and experts in related fields, the Chinese Language & Culture Research Center (CLCRC) at Delaware State University, USA, is organizing the “CLCRC Colloquium of Multilingual Education and Intercultural Communication” . The Colloquium will be held from December 6 to 8, 2024, at Delaware State University.

Time and Venue


Conference Check-in: December 5-6, 2024

Symposium: December 7-8, 2024


Delaware State University

Main Activities and Topics

(A)Main Activities

The colloquium will feature various activities, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops.


The main topics of the Forum include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Implementation and research of Chinese immersion programs
  2. Cultural transmission and intercultural communication in international Chinese education
  3. Cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness in multilingual classrooms
  4. The impact of multilingual education on cognitive development
  5. Standards for international Chinese education proficiency and Chinese proficiency tests
  6. Computer/Internet-assisted teaching and learning of Chinese/culture
  7. Language policy and educational reform in the context of globalization


Experts, scholars and Chinese language teachers in the field of Chinese language education from China, the United States, and other countries are welcome to participate in the colloquium. Abstracts are encouraged, but not required for those who only choose to participate without a presentation.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts may be submitted in either Chinese or English. Please submit a one page abstract with 300-600 which includes a research overview, implementation schedule, and results. Please provide the author’s information, including name, affiliation, email address, and phone number.

Related Costs

(A)Registration Fee

$50 per person; DSU faculty, members of Alumni Association, and public school teachers will receive a 50% discount, paying $25 per person.

B)Meals and Accommodation

The organizers will provide lunch on December 7 and 8. Participants will be responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Registration and Contact

(A)Registration Methods (choose one)

  1. Fill out the online registration form: https://www.wjx.cn/vm/r3osZgX.aspx# 
  2. Scan the QR code below to fill out the registration form:

Chinese Conference QR code

The registration deadline is September 15, 2024.

(B)Abstract Submission and Method

Please send abstracts email attachments to the colloquium organizing committee by September 20, 2024.

Participants from China should send their abstracts to Ting Cao’s email: caoting [at] xmu.edu.cn

Participants from other countries should send their abstracts to Shuxia Bi’s email: sbi [at] desu.edu

Please indicate “Author+Abstract” in the email subject line.

The organizing committee will arrange for experts to conduct an anonymous review of the abstracts. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to the submitter’s email by October 15, 2024. Participants whose abstracts are accepted and who attend the colloquium can apply for a certificate of attendance from the organizers.

(C) Contact Information of the Organizing Committee

Contact Address: Chinese Language & Culture Research Center, Delaware State University, 22 N State St, Dover, DE 19904. 

Contact: Ting Cao

Phone: (1)302-399-9108

Email: caoting [at] xmu.edu.cn