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Mark Cornelius Booker


Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

Email: mbooker [at] desu.edu


  • Pending Ph.D., Morgan State University, Organizational Policy, Governance and Administration
  • M.S., Coppin State University, Criminal Justice Administration
  • B.S., Howard University, Consumer Affairs Management
  • Professional Certificate, Cornell University, Conflict Resolution

Bio & Research Interests

Mark is a social science practitioner and lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Delaware State University. His commitment as board vice president of the Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation in Baltimore City impacts the West Baltimore community. Developing engagements between university officials, correctional administrators, and stakeholders to operate higher education prison programs for incarcerated students is his priority in addressing recidivism. In addition, he volunteers with the Brenda Murray Book Group at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women. As a university adjunct instructor, he taught in prison education programs at Patuxent Institution, Maryland Penitentiary, and Jessup Correctional Institution. Before academia, Mark served as court commissioner for the District Court of Maryland for Baltimore City, assistant superintendent for the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, and C.E.O. of We Teach and Tutor. His research interests are in prison higher education, criminology, community engagement, and HBCU leadership.


  • Prison Higher Education
  • Criminal Justice Systems
  • Black History
  • Community Engagement
  • Leadership

Professional organizations

  • American Philosophical Association
  • American Society of Criminology
  • American Sociological Association - Teaching in Carceral Settings
  • Association of Black Sociologists
  • National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice

Selected Publications

  • Haynes, A. (2023, January). Making the most of their time: Bowie State offers college education program for inmates at Jessup Correctional Institution. The Baltimore Sun Howard County Edition, Front Page.
  • Jeffries, B. (2022, December). Never too late: Bowie State offers college education program for inmates at Jessup Correctional Institution. The Capital Gazette Newspaper, Front Page.  
  • Booker, M., Booker, R., Booker, C. (2016). Why Our Teacher Wears Yellow

Featured News

Consulting experience

  • Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation, Board Vice President, 2024 - present.

Photo Gallery

Mr. Booker at Univ. of Baltimore with graduating students from Jessup Correctional Institution in Maryland through the Second Ch
Mr. Booker at Univ. of Baltimore with graduating students from Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI) in Maryland through the Second Chance Pell Experiment. 
Mr. Booker at Bowie State University, teaching in Jessup Correctional Institution in Maryland through the Second Chance Pell Pro
Mr. Booker at Bowie State University, teaching in Jessup Correctional Institution in Maryland through the Second Chance Pell Program.