Faculty Profiles
Department of Education
Robert Martin, EdD
Keun Kyu Kim, PhD
Richard Phillips, PhD
Associate Professors:
Joseph Falodun, PhD
cgautam [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Chetanath Gautam, EdD )
Yvette Pierre, PhD
Shelley Rouser, PhD, Chair
mryan [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Michael Ryan, PhD)
psasso [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Pierto Sasso, EdD)
ctimmons [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Crystal Timmons, EdD)
bwynder [at] desu.edu (Brenda G. Wynder, EdD)
Sae Yeol Yoon, PhD
Assistant Professors:
jalexander [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Justin Alexander, EdD )
Christine Craddock, EdD
Robert Marsteller, PhD
tmitchell [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Tina Mitchell, EdD)
rjuergensen [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Rachel Juergensen, PhD)
rxwalker [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Reshid Walker, EdD)
sdbailey [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Sabrina Bailey, MPA)
Department of Languages and Literatures
Joe Amoako, PhD
Brody Bluemel, PhD, Chair
Adenike Davidson, PhD
Victor Gomia, PhD
Myrna Nurse, PhD
Susmita Roye, PhD
Ladji Sacko, EdD
Jesse Zuba, PhD
Associate Professors:
Amanda Anderson, PhD
baryal [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20inquiry) (Bhushan Aryal, PhD)
Edward Dawley, PhD
Joseph Fees, PhD
Sandra Sokowski, PhD
otaylor [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Ordner Taylor, PhD)
John Teye, PhD
Assistant Professors:
Vilma Lazo-Butera, MA
Tina Petrovic, MA
Alyse James, MA
Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy and Law Studies
Yinghong Cheng, PhD
Akwasi Osei, PhD
Donna Patterson, PhD, Chair
Alexa Silver, PhD
Associate Professors:
Niklas Robinson, PhDnirobinson [at] desu.edu (, Chair )
Ifeyinwa Udezulu, PhD
Assistant Professors:
Jason Bourke, PhD
Anton House, PhD
Elizabeth Marchioni, JD
Makda Maru, PhD
Visiting Faculty:
jbangura [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20inquiry) (Joseph Bangura, PhD)
Phyllis Collins, PhD
Merril Holloway, MA
Aron Vadadkin, PhD
Samuel Hoff, PhD
Steven Newton, PhD
Department of Mass Communications, Visual and Performing Arts
Music Program
Frank Gazda, DMA
Patrick Hoffman, DMA
David Tolley, DMA
Associate Professors:
Carla Becker, EdD
Mable Morrison, MM
Assistant Professors:
Adjunct Instructors:
rbohn [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Dr. Raymond Bohn), Bass
Marty Denson, Music Industry
cltaylor [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Christy Taylor), Voice, Piano
Lionel Thomas, Strings
Stephen Tipping, Percussion
ppilibossian [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Pepron Pilibossian, MM)
LeTriel White, MM
Mass Communications Program
Associate Professors:
dawodiya [at] desu.edu (Daniel Awodiya, PhD)
cedelin [at] desu.edu (Charlisa Edelin, JD)
rmarine [at] desu.edu (Renee Marine, EdD, Program Director)
Lecturer II
tyacucci [at] desu.edu (Theodore Yacucci, MS)
aperrine [at] desu.edu (Ava Perrine, MS)
zkimball [at] desu.edu (Zachary Kimball - Production Coordinator)
Art Program
Hazel Bradshaw-Beaumont Young, PhD
locrawford [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Lori Crawford, )MFA, Acting Chair
Associate Professors:
wcolbert [at] desu.edu (William Colbert, MFA )
Assistant Professors:
Joshua Nobling, MFA
gmiller [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Guy Miller, MFA )
DEPARTMEnt of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Associate Professors:
John Balzarini, PhD
kboynton [at] desu.edu (subject: CHESS%20Inquiry) (Kimeu Boynton, JD)
Kevin Ralston, PhD
Laurin Parker, lsparker [at] desu.edu (PhD, Acting Chair)
Anwar Ouassini, PhD
Assistant Professors:
Xuanren Goodman, PhD
Nii Tawiah, PhD
Retention Specialist