Prospective Students

- All entering freshmen and transfer students who intend to major in music must complete the following in addition to meeting Delaware State University’s admission requirements:
- Students entering the BA in Music and BA in Music Education programs must successfully complete an audition in their principal performance area, either instrumental or vocal, as well as complete a personal interview. If the student is unable to attend a live audition on campus, a video recording may be permitted on a case-by-case basis. See audition requirements below.
- Students entering the BA in Music Industry program must complete a personal interview where they will show examples of their work.
- All entering students must complete diagnostic examinations in piano and music theory. These examinations are to determine your course placement.
- Applicants who do not fully meet the entrance requirements may be admitted conditionally at the discretion of the music faculty.
For questions regarding the entrance requirements or to set up an audition, contact cbecker [at] (Dr. Carla Becker).
Perform two vocal selections of contrasting character. If you have one, bring a repertoire list at the time of the audition. Select repertoire that best demonstrates your vocal range, quality and musicality. Please do not bring choral music to perform, unless you are singing a solo from a larger work. An accompanist will be provided.
Prospective students should perform two or three selections in contrasting styles from solo literature or études. These selections should demonstrate both expressive and technical dimensions of the student’s playing. Scales and sight-reading may also be asked.
Auditions Requirement
Snare Drum
- Rudiments: Perform examples from the list of 40 Essential Rudiments from the Percussive Arts Society. Rudiments are to be performed with both hands leading and are performed Open-Closed-Open.
- Concert Closed Roll: To be performed soft-loud-soft, from as soft as possible to as loud as possible.
- Prepare two solos of contrasting styles; Rudimental and Orchestral. Solos can be etudes or studies from method books such as Mitchell Peter’s Intermediate Snare Drum Studies, Goldenberg Modern School for Snare Drum etc., or from collections such as John Pratt’s 14 Contest Solos. Auditionee should demonstrate and understanding of the stylistic differences between the solos.
- Scales: At least 2-octave Major and Minor scales in all keys.
- 2-Mallet solos: Auditionee should prepare a short 2-mallet solo for xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, or glockenspiel. Examples may include solo works like George Hamilton Green’s rags, or etudes from books like Goldenberg’s Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba, and Vibraphone.
- 4-mallet solos: Auditionee should demonstrate knowledge of 4-mallet technique through either technical exercises or a prepared piece.
- Tuning: Demonstrate the ability to tune when given a direct pitch or finding pitch from a given A=440.
- Prepare a 2-4 drum solo or etude from collections like Vic Firth’s The Solo Timpanist or Saul Goodman’s Modern Method for Timpani, etc.
World Music (optional)
- Auditionee can choose to demonstrate other skills such as steel pan, hand drumming, or drum set.
Prospective students should perform two piano solo works in contrasting style from traditional piano repertoire. Examples:
- Any work of Bach.
- Any movement from sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert.
- Any work by composers in Romantic, Impressionist, or 20th Century periods.
Scales and sight-reading may also be asked.
Students may qualify for scholarship money for performing in the university band or choir. Interested students must contact the respective ensemble directors to make arrangements for a scholarship audition.
- Band Scholarship inquiries: ssessoms [at] (Mr. Sidney Sessoms)
- Choir Scholarship inquiries: gmcpherson [at] (Dr. Gregory McPherson)
Additionally, there are significant amounts of money available through a wide variety of DSU scholarships. Contact faid [at] (financial aid) to see if you qualify.
This form is to be completed by those wishing to audition to be admitted to the Music Program as a Music, Music Education, Music Industry, or Pre-Music Therapy major at Delaware State University.